Important Things to Know about Renting a Car in Costa Rica

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To rent a car in Costa Rica you must be at least 21 years old, have a valid passport and driver's license, and a major credit card. You can sometime rent a car at 18, bull you must leave a double deposit. Some agencies charge more for people under 25 and won't rent to people oven 75. Valid foreign driver's licenses are good in Costa Rica for three months.

Car rental agencies will provide transport from the airport to their nearby offices. Avoid having a car wait for you at the airport - there is of ten a 12 percent surcharge for that. Better yet, take a taxi to your hotel and ask the front desk to call and have the car delivered to your hotel. Don't hassle with trying to navigate unfamiliar streets when you first arrive.

Also note the following:
  • You must treat the car as if it were yours, since the obligatory insurance does not cover all types of damages.
  • Do not leave the car unattended with belongings inside, not even for one second. The insurance does not cover missing accessories like the radio, tools, rims, tires, either or damages whose cost is less than the deductible amount.
  • Never park on the street, use secure car parking facilities.
  • You are responsible for traffic law violations.
  • If you live abroad you must carry your passport or a copy of the same, where your photo and last entry date to Costa Rica appear. Also remember to carry your valid driver's license.
  • The value of the car windows and windshield is too high, you are responsible for any damage to the same, regardless of whose fault it is
  • All car rentals consist of 24 hours per day, any extra time after the time agreed upon by you to drop off the car, will be charged by additional hour.
  • Before you set off, check out the car yourself very carefully and make sure the car is in optimal conditions, besides, make sure that you carry the documents required.
  • If you decide to keep your car for a few more days, do not forget to call our offices at least two days in advance in order to obtain your authorization.
  • Always use your seat belt; seat belts save lives.
  • The minimum speed in Costa Rica is 40 KPH, and maximum 100 KPH. The speed limit in the streets and secondary road is 60 KPH. The maximum speed may vary in certain areas and it must be painted on the road surface.
  • Motor vehicles on the beach are strictly forbidden by law; therefore, this insurance shall not apply in these cases.
  • The Instituto Nacional de Seguros (INS) and your car rental agency shall not be responsible for towing expenses in any of the above mentioned cases.
  • The traffic infractions shall NOT BE PAID to the traffic authority members, only at the car rental agfeny office or at the closest State Bank and submit a copy of your voucher to Rent a Car whenever you return your car. If you get a car-related ticket, you will have to notify the car rental agency.
  • If you are involved in an accident, please do not move the car, notify us immediately for the corresponding accident report, and then wait until the authorities (Traffic and the Instituto Nacional de Seguros) arrive.
  • If you have a mechanical breakdown and someone offers to help, watch your belongings very carefully.
  • Car Rental Rates are subject to change without notice.
  • Must be over 21
  • Valid drivers license AND a major credit card IN YOUR NAME!
  • Valid passport.
  • Visa, Amex, Master Card, Diners, and ST accepted.
  • Minimum rental is 24 hours.
  • No cash deposit accepted.
  • Rates include unlimited mileage.
  • Taxes are included.

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