Discount & Promo Codes For Costa Rica Hotels, Car Rental, Tours & More!

Costa Rica SUV Rental Suzuki Vitara
When to Rent a Vehicle versus Taking Private Transportation in Costa Rica
Surfboard Baggage Fees & Policies by Airline – 2025

We have been partnering with local businesses in Costa Rica since 1998. In that time we have collected a number
of discounts and coupon codes for hotels, surf camps, surf shops, and tours just for our visitors to the website.
You’ll also find discount codes and promos for Costa Rica’s top rental car companies including Adobe Car Rental,
Vamos Car Rental, Nomad America, Roam To Be Wild and more.

Save money by using the discount promo codes below. And remember, we can help plan your next trip, too. Just
fill out the travel planning form underneath the Costa Rica discount links and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.
Here are our latest offerings:

Costa Rica waterfall tour


10-20% off at Adobe Car Rental. Put in the discount code – ‘SURF’
Includes: Free second driver, baby or booster seats, surf racks, and delivery to local hotels

Get 5% off the base rate on direct quotes with VAMOS using this LINK
Includes: Free second driver, child seats, and WIFI hotspot

Get 5% off the base rate on all vehicles with Dollar Car Rental.
Put in the discount code – ‘CRSURF24’

PuraVan –  – discount code ‘CRSURF’ for $10/day off and perks

Jaco Car Rental – – discount code ‘CRSURF’ for 5% off plus prepaid SIM card for rentals over 7 days

Nomad – – discount code ‘CRSURF007’ for 7% off

Costa Rider – – discount code ‘CRSURF’ for 5% off

Roam to be Wild – – discount code ‘puravidasurf’ for 5% off


10% off at Adventure Inn add ‘crsurf’ as the discount code


Use our VIATOR LINK to find discounted tours around Costa Rica

Get $5 off a surf lesson with Dominical Surf School (just mention us – CR Surf)

Use code – CR-Surf-Travel – for 5% off Jungle ATV in Uvita

10% off with code – CRSURF – for a Costa Rica Brew Pass

Discounts on ATV Tours, Surf lessons,  and more

Use our Costa Rica travel planning form below to help us create your customized itinerary –

Fill out this short form so we can help you plan your trip. You will be contacted by email within 24 hours. Fields marked with a “*” are required.

    Step 1: When and Where do you want to travel?

    Select this box if your dates are approximate

    Arrival date*

    Departure date*

    Select one or more regions you want to visit:
    (Ctrl/cmd+click to select multiple options)

    Step 2: Who is in your group?

    Number of adults:*

    Number of children under 12:

    How would you best describe your group?*

    Step 3: Flight arrangements

    Do you need international flight tickets?

    If yes, departing from which airport?

    Step 4: Ground transportation

    Do you need transportation? YesNo

    You may select one or more choices.. (add specific requests in step 9)

    AirNature Air/Sansa Domestic FlightPrivate Air Charter

    LandCar / SUV / Van RentalPrivate Vehicle & DriverShared Ride - ShuttleBus Transport

    SeaPrivate Boat Charter - fishing or surfingBoat Taxi

    Step 5: Lodging/Accommodations

    Do you need a place to stay? YesNo

    What kind of accommodations would you like?

    Do you need to have air conditioning for your room?YesNo

    ** If you have a specific place in mind, list it in Step 9 and we'll find you our best rate

    Budget per Person (not including airfare)$700 to $1000$1000 to $1500$1500 to $2000$2000 to $2500more than $2500

    Step 6: Tours / Activities

    What tours and activities would you like to do? Click as many as you want. (Ctrl/cmd+click to select multiple options)

    Step 7: If you plan on doing some surfing, please include:

    What size waves are you hoping to catch?

    What's your level of surfing?
    select your level from 1-10 -> 1 = never tried, 5 = do cutbacks, 10 = win contests

    Do you want surf lessons?YesNo

    Number of days:

    Would you like to stay in a Surf Camp?YesNo

    Step 8: How can we contact you?

    Your Name:

    Email Address:*

    Confirm Email Address: *

    Phone Number:

    Best Time to Call:

    Step 9: Specific needs

    Please specify if you have specific needs or requests:

    Step 10: A quick survey

    Where did you find our website?*

    if other please fill in

    Do you want information about offsetting the carbon footprint for your trip? YesNo

    Comments are closed.